Quinoa Rainbow

Tax included.

Chenopodium quinoa

Story: This Quinoa produced really well for us in 2023, making beautiful flower spikes full of multicoloured grain. Sadly, we left them on the plant a little too long and the pigeons got to them before we could - we would suggest netting them as they mature to avoid disappointment. 

When to sow: March - April indoors or April - May direct

Harvest: August – October

Requirements: harden off once all chance of frost has passed and then plant out in moist soil- though plants will tolerate dry conditions as they grow- give each plant around 30cm space on all sides

Seed contributors: Omved Gardens

Seed harvested: 2023

Please remember, we only send out three packs of seed. If you order more than this, you will receive just three packs to begin with. This is to ensure we get plenty of data in return, and to keep our stocks sustainable for years to come.