Gigante di Napoli - Parsley
Petroselinum crispum
Story: This variety of parsley is the best! It's slow to bolt so long as it is adequately watered and often even overwinters outside. It creates large, dark green glossy, tasty leaves. It is the only parsley we grow year after year.
When to sow: Feb (indoors) – March - April direct
Requirements: Moist but well-draining soil in full sun or partial shade
When to harvest seed: In summer of the second year of growth
Need to isolate: Yes
Seed Grown: Omved Gardens
Seed harvested: 2023/24
Saving seed from Parsley: Parsley will cross pollinate with other varieties so only allow one to go to flower if you plan to save seed. Parsley is biennial so if saving seed, bring it into the greenhouse or windowsill to overwinter as it will flower and seed the following year. Processing: allow the seeds to form and ripen on the plant, cut entire seed heads as they start to turn yellow/brown but before they fall and bring them inside to dry fully. Crumble the dried seeds from their stems and winnow away as much of the chaff as possible by hand - don't worry about getting the seeds squeaky clean, we have a machine that can help. Package, label and date.
How to send seed back: Please label all seed with variety, type, date and your contact, if you didn't get a chance to fill out our online data collection form, you can also send us a few lines about how it grew for you/flavour etc. Please aim to send back 2 tablespoons of dried seed or more so that we can continue to share with network members. Send to: Omved Gardens, 1 Townsend Yard, N6 5JF.
Please remember, if you’re an individual grower you can order up to 3 packets of seeds. If you order more than this, you will receive just three packs to begin with. This is to ensure we get plenty of data in return and to keep our stocks sustainable for years to come.*
*Community groups and Experienced Growers can order larger quantities, please email us if this is the case.
If an item is out of stock we will send a close alternative.