Miner’s Lettuce
Claytonia perfoliata
Story: Miner's Lettuce received its name after the California gold rush. Historically, the miners who were in great need of nutritious food sources, would harvest this green due to its high Vitamin C, A and iron content. small rosettes of tasty green leaves that slugs don’t tend to touch. let them go to flower and they will self seed all over the garden – a very welcome weed indeed.
When to sow: July-Oct - direct
Requirements: nutrient-rich soil, regular watering, and a lot of sun.
Harvest: Colder months
Need to isolate: No, these are wild and mostly stable in terms of cross pollination. They will mostly self-seed in abundance but if you wish to save seed, wait for the seed heads to develop and dry on the plant, then collect the dry seed heads to store
Seed Grown: Omved Gardens
Seed harvested: 2023
Please remember, if you’re an individual grower you can order up to 3 packets of seeds. If you order more than this, you will receive just three packs to begin with. This is to ensure we get plenty of data in return and to keep our stocks sustainable for years to come.*
*Community groups and Experienced Growers can order larger quantities, please email us if this is the case.
If an item is out of stock we will send a close alternative.