Leaf Mallow
Malva verticillata
We originally came across this seed from the wonderful company Real Seeds and it has become a firm favourite here at Omved Gardens. It produces beautiful, curly-edged, lush green leaves that are lovely and tender in salads when young or make a great cooked green when they get older. The plants get quite big - up to one meter so you only need a few to feed many and they produce tonnes of seed. If you do save lots of seed, it also makes a great microgreen crop.
Sow: March - May
Requirements: Leaf mallow is a great grower, it does prefer full sun and plenty of water to keep producing leaves.
Harvest: Anytime it is in leaf, usually from May to August
Seed Saving: Mallows are insect pollinated so they can cross pollinate. There isn't a lot of info about the cross pollination of various Malva species and varieties but our hunch is that leaf mallow is at least partly stabilised which means it probably won't readily cross pollinate. However it is still best practice to grow it as far away from other mallows as possible.
How to return seed: Please send back at least 1-2 tablespoons of seed or more to the network. Label with the variety, date and your name and contact. Send to: Omved Gardens, 1 Townsend Yard, London N6 5JF